– Monday Muse –
New Post – Dear One, during winter in northern Michigan bright sunshine entering one’s home is an unexpected, but very welcome guest. And so it was recently, as I stood by a window in the kitchen on a sun blessed day. The sun’s rays were greatly enhanced by the reflection off the surrounding snow-covered landscape. Brilliant rays flooded the south-facing rooms, brightening my spirit, as well as our home. That was until, I noticed what the bright light was exposing…dirty spots here and there. Suddenly, they seemed everywhere.
Until that moment, I had not noticed that my quick wipe-ups had left a buildup of grime in the corners and tiny recesses. The stovetop, which had appeared clean to me, the cupboards, the corners of the countertop, oh my goodness, the toaster – were in need of a thorough cleaning. If not for the dazzling light, I would have remained…unaware…for it all looked pretty good to me.
As I considered taking time for cleaning while the sun was shining, I thought of another light. And I thought of how it, Jesus, the Light of the World, penetrated the souls of Man in a similar way. For the Light exposed the sins hidden in the dark recesses of Man’s soul, sins that, apart from Holy exposure, Man would never recognize or overcome…allowing more sin to accumulate, like the dirt in the corners of my kitchen.
The Light of Life is far more penetrating than the sun. For He shines forth both day or night, rain or shine. At first Man may moan, and try to close the curtains on Him. But soon after experiencing the freedom from sin found in His cleansing work, Man willingly opens wide the windows of his heart for further cleaning.
What happens then? Man begins to more powerfully reflect the light, or love, of Jesus in a dark world which is growing darker and darker everyday. Scripture states that there will be a time when wrong is right, and right is wrong. It appears that that time has come. May Man, for the cause of Christ, reflect the Light of Life, which in the end, will shine more powerfully than the sun.
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said,
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows
me will never walk in darkness, but will have
the light of life.” John 8:12 NIV
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