– Monday Muse –
Dear One, it was over four decades ago, when I walked into the laundry room, picked up a heaping basket from under the laundry chute, and began sorting out sour smelling gym socks from damp bath towels. At that time our five kids were ages nine to fourteen.
With the overflowing basket resting on the dryer, and hot water pouring into the washer, I began unsnarling a smelly ball of cotton into the form of a sock. With steam rising, I dropped socks one-by-one into bubbling suds. I was alone in the house; my husband, a teacher, along with the kids had just left for school. With a long- handled, wooden spoon, I pressed the laundry below the watery surface and thought, how lucky I am to be home alone with the Lord. For everything I do, even this laundry, has within it a God honoring purpose. (If you have trouble believing this, I get it, but please read on.) At that time such thoughts were completely new to me.
After years of attending church, I knew about God, but had no idea that I could know Him, actually sense His Presence. It took me eighteen years AFTER ACCEPTING CHRIST AS LORD to come to know GOD. Why? How can that be, when knowing Him makes an incredible difference in a person’s life, a night and day difference. After a relationship with God began, even the simplest act of sorting the laundry held a meaningful purpose – for I was finally working for my family with a focus on God and His purpose. Suddenly the mundane had eternal purpose. And in addition, living life with an awareness of the Indwelling Holy Spirit gave life a quiet, peaceful joy.
The whole process stunned me. I wondered, why doesn’t every Christian talk about this? At church functions I started listening closely to hear someone, anyone, talk of an amazing, intimate relationship between Man and God. At that time, I was too shy to ask outright about it, but I heard not a mention of it. Finally, I realized, like me, most were unaware that such a relationship existed.
How is it that Man does not know that God will live in Man if Man will live with Him? It is Man’s choice. It is simply a matter of taking time to be alone with Him and His Word, and living, as best we can, to honor Him and His teachings.
Psalms 91:1 tells it like it is:
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
If this verse holds little meaning to you, but you desire to develop a life lived with God, perhaps you might benefit from clicking on Making God a Priority – found on the right-hand side of the Home Page. If you have questions for me on how to begin please use the Contact mentioned below.
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