– Monday Muse –
Dear One, so here I am once again halfway into town, and I left behind my bottle of water. Now, I will go for hours without anything to drink, and nothing to eat, one or the other is okay, but not both, and I am totally to blame. For I know the ‘Trick for Remembering.’ It is to act in the moment. Yes, once again, for the millionth time, and you’re thinking that I am exaggerating, I ignored the ‘out-of-no-where’ reminder.
It was thirty minutes before it was time to leave the house, while running around getting ready, that a reminder squeezed its way in between a myriad of disjointed thoughts…take your water.
I have learned, from experience, that that is the time to take action…drop everything, get the item, put it by my purse, or in the car. So why do I not ALWAYS do it. Because I think for some unexplainable reason that this time, I will remember the reminder, and get the item on my way out. What? I know better than that…so why the pretense? Even though I try to heed the reminders, and try to look ahead, I think there is something to that phrase, “I am my own worst enemy.”
The following are a few practices which help me. Hopefully, you will find among them something helpful to you as well.
1. If I am at my desk, and a to-do comes to me, I write it down on my day’s list.
2. If I am deep in thought and do not want to be interrupted, I throw something on the floor which will stand out as a to-do reminder as I leave the room.
3. When I realize that I need to take something into town sometime that week, I put it in the car. Such a help.
4. As reminders for birthdays or anniversaries, I mark on the calendar the day the card should be mailed.
5. In order to have the cards on hand, I keep a supply of cards for every occasion in the file cabinet.
6. While upstairs dressing to leave the house, if I remember something I need to do, I throw something on the hallway floor to remind me as I head downstairs.
7. I have a place by the garage door where I set a variety of items which I will need to take with me in the next few days. I can’t leave without seeing them.
8. If I have something vital to do the next morning, I place a post-it note on the bottom edge of the cupboard, so that I will see it before I make coffee.
9. This is such a help; if I find something that we do not need, and it should go to Goodwill, I put it in the trunk of the car. When I am near the Goodwill, I remember it. Every time I get rid of something, I think of how much more space it gives us…a good feeling.
Simple tricks can make being organized a whole lot easier. Now, if I can only get to the point that I don’t momentarily think that I will simply remember. Maybe I should put a bottle of water in the car right now.
“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men…” Colossians 3:23
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