– Secret Place Insights –
Dear One, while scanning through my computer entries, I came across the following details of a quiet-time from last summer. In the notes, I read that I was considering whether or not I should interrupt the time with God to write down what had happened that morning. I am now grateful that I did. For it refreshed a memory which had faded. When people speak of having a steel-trap mind, I am reminded that mine is more like a sieve.
Quiet – Time July 29, 2017
This morning, the time that I had planned to get up for a quiet-time had longed passed. So, it was late when I greeted God by singing to Him, and reading from the Old and New Testaments.
In reading Jesus’ words in Matthew 12:50, I took comfort in the reminder that those who live for God make up one family. I am sure that is the reason behind some of the quick friendships we make with near strangers, and the reason we call God…Father.
Then I read about Jacob in Genesis, where it is written, “I am with you. I will not leave you.” In the footnotes for Genesis 28:15, I read, “Unlike the gods of pagan religions, in which the gods were merely local deities who gave protection only within their own territories, the one true God assured Jacob that he would always be with him wherever he went.” How fearful it must have been for ancients to leave the boundaries of their perceived protection, and what comfort early Christians must have derived from knowing that God was always with them wherever they went.
By then it was nearly 8:00, and quite out of my usual habit, I began singing again in a hushed voice.
The words slowly came:
Holy Father, Holy
Holy Jesus, Holy
Holy Spirit, Holy
Holy, Holy,
Purity, Purity
Holy, Purity
With heartfelt adoration the word ‘Purity’ moved me deeper into God’s presence. I whispered and meditated on:
The Purity of Your Wisdom
The Purity of Your Compassion
The Purity of Your Judgment
The Purity of Your Punishment
I sat for awhile thinking on the last one…the Purity of God’s Punishment. Purity of Punishment…now that is a new thought. I sat silently contemplating Purity, the only purity that there is – God’s.
“Father, You are giving me this morning a glimpse of Your Pure Holiness. And in this moment I seem to have a fingertip pinch of Your cloak, as the woman did in Mathew 9:20. And in this instant a measure of Your Holy Purity is penetrating me in a way that surpasses every pleasure I have ever known. I feel like I have been given a greater awareness of You. I feel fully covered in Your Purity… how can this be… It seems I have a deeper understanding for the One cause for which we are called…that all might walk in the Light, that Light of Your Holiness. The depth of it is immeasurable. Thank you, Lord. Amen.”
The prayer was followed by a shudder, when I realized that I might never have had such intimacy with God had I not lingered with Him. I could have easily decided it was a late start, and shortened my time with Him.
It seemed I had lingered at the foot of the throne, and that I would walk through the day with a heart of gratefulness. To think, what I might have missed it if I had not honored God with the start of the day. Oh my, I don’t want to think about it – for too often, I allow the day to pull into ….whatever. What might those other lost quiet- times have held?
In my notes, it was at this time that I struggled:
Should I quickly write this down to more accurately record it before I lose the wonder of it all, or should I continue and pray out my prayer list. I asked the Lord, “What should I do?” Obviously, I left the desk to make notes at the computer desk. I had seldom done that. I am not a disciplined note taker, but I am grateful that, at least that morning, I was.
If you are unaccustomed to having quiet-times with God, and at this moment feel condemnation, don’t. That is of Satan, his intentions are evil. Satan condemns (puts down – tries to destroy). God convicts (kindly declare something as wrong and the need, and the way, for correction). Just determine to start making God the first priority of many of your tomorrows – the best that you can.
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” Psalm 32:8
Blessings for another week,
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