– Monday Muse –
Dear One, I was baby-sitting for the day, and when I was given napping instructions, I learned that I should turn on the fans in each of the two children’s bedrooms to provide white noise during nap-time. I had heard of white noise for adults who were having difficulty sleeping, but this white noise for tiny ones was new to me. The thinking was that the noise would muffle any sound which might interrupt their sleep.
I arrived for baby-sitting duty, a sweet delight, in the morning around 7:30, to stay until mid-afternoon. Even with two little ones keeping me happily busy, I noticed something was strangely different about my environment. Other than the chatter from the kids and I, the house was totally quiet. Unsettled by the lack of background conversation, I looked around for a radio, and didn’t find one. Then I noticed that there didn’t seem to be a television on the ground floor either.
At home, throughout the day, Ron and I listen to 580, our local radio station. It’s a talk-station and from it we learn what’s going on in and around our community, hear locals being interviewed, and catch-up on what’s happening politically.
My first thought, which was more feeling than thought, produced an uneasy sense of disconnectedness. I surmised; this is going to be a long day without the usual background verbiage I am accustomed to hearing. It was only one hour later when I realized that I had already made the adjustment.
My total focus had become devoted to the girls and what we were doing, and what we might do next. And, except for two short, incoming calls, and nap-time, I was in continual communication with the little ones, without a hint of distraction. Halfway through our time together, the oldest said, “I wish you would come everyday.” We were, indeed, having a magical time, for we were making the most of our time together.
I had believed that Ron and I, by greatly limiting what time we spent with television / media manipulation, had freed ourselves from its grip, but finding myself in a home for the day without a radio taught me otherwise. It made me realize, that we had merely replaced the TV for the radio. Yes, radio is less invasive, less controlling, but still it, to a degree, holds the listener captive, stifling free, and protractive thinking.
Sadly, many of us have unwittingly allowed media of every type to commandeer our minds, our homes and travel time. We have grown accustomed to others determining what we will hear, learn, think, and yes, even what we will do. Is it high time we more frequently disconnect, and begin developing our own ideas, and participating in activities unique to us and our families?
Perhaps our bent toward media hum is why we often hear people say, while I was in the shower, I had this great idea… It is likely that the time spent in the shower is the only time we are not under some kind of media control.
The media barrage seems to work something like white noise, for it can keep us, if we are not careful, unaware of the opportunities surrounding us.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God,
who gives generously to all without reproach,
and it will be given him.” James 1:5
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