– Monday Muse –
Dear One, I cannot ever remember such a warm, sunny, northwest-lower Michigan summer than this 2020 one. Ron and I have been living with the windows open – day and night – catching every silky breeze. The summery days have been so constant that we actually went out of town without even thinking of taking our jackets along. We Michiganders do not do that!
But what happens to us ‘Sun-lovers’ on the day ‘When the Sun Don’t Shine?’ We don’t shine either, do we? Suddenly all the plans we had for the day, regardless of what they were, seem less appealing. We feel kind of tired and our interest in nearly everything wanes. One cloudy morning, in the past week, that was how my day began. I tried to shake the doldrums off, but it wasn’t easy, until I remembered a scene from long ago.
The day was cloudy, and unimpressive, dulling my sense of adventure as I headed to the airport for a flight to the West Coast. On the plane I had a window seat which only emphasized the gray day. As the plane droned on, it suddenly broke through the clouds to what seemed could be Heaven – for sunshine brightly highlighted the top of the clouds as far as I could see. I was struck by the fact that even though the clouds were obstructing the Sun, she was still doing her thing…shining. It made me realize that I should be doing the same…shining regardless of the weather. That remembrance was all I needed to chase my clouds away.
The fact that the Sun is still shining makes me think of God. For no matter how difficult our current situation may be, God’s love is still shining down upon us.
“…And surely I (Jesus) am with you always,
to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20b
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