– Secret Place Insights –
Dear One, I came across this from June, 22 of this year. I apparently was feeling overwhelmed, and the upcoming weekend would include a high school open-house for a granddaughter.
The following is what I had recorded:
Lord, I have so much to do today with getting ready for the open- house, the salads to make, the essays to finish, and on and on and on. There is by far more than a day’s worth of work to do. Lord, I am having trouble getting settled, and sitting here with You. I cannot focus, but I know if I am to be at my best, my day needs to begin with You.
I want to be open to Your will, and how can I be keenly aware of Your will throughout my day, if I have not taken time for You? How can I know You, and Your will, if I do not sit with You, read Your Word, think about You, think about life: pray, consider, love, adore, worship, and spend time with You. Oh Lord, it is Your will that I want to do. You have filled me with Your Holy Spirit. I want to keep in Your fellowship that I might be guided by You, be empowered by You, and move according to Your desire.
That ends what I had recorded.
The thought of moving through life without knowing God’s will reminded me of a conversation which took place in a class I recently led.
While in the midst of discussing the leading of the Holy Spirit a woman said, “Having been in the church throughout my entire childhood, I know this sounds stupid, but I do not know about the Holy Spirit, only Jesus, only God.” When I heard her words, my heart sank, and my sympathies went out to her.
For trying to live the Christian life apart from the awareness of the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is impossible. Such a life is fraught with overwhelming difficulties, and life is difficult enough with the Holy Spirit. How do I know this? I accepted Christ at age 16, but it wasn’t until…18…years later that I lived with a daily awareness of His Presence and guidance. The difference is like night and day, moonless, starless darkest night and cloudless, noonday bright.
In order to grow spiritually, and have the strength needed to carryout a Christian walk, Jesus knew we would need a constant connection to Him. That is why before His ascension to Heaven, He promised His disciples and followers, and now us, through Scripture, that He would send the Comforter…the Holy Spirit.
How often since I started this website, in the midst of an already busy life, have I feared that, in the busyness of life, I might leave God behind – by rushing forward – trying to cover all the bases. If I do that, I will fail…in many ways. So many Christians have done that…gotten so busy, that they no longer meet with God for fellowship, direction, and inspiration, or in today’s vernacular, a rebooting. And little by little their work becomes Man’s work …good work, perhaps, but no longer God inspired.
Now, this week, six months later, I do not remember what happened with the remainder of that June 22nd morning. But from my experience I think that God secured my stance and readied me to live His way…as much as a person, this side of Heaven, can.
“But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
Blessings for another week,
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